How to close a lecture in a remarkable way?

Brunno Falcão

3 min

3 de fev. de 2023

If you’ve come to the end, you’re already worthy of applause. But a great question hangs in the air: how to bring the maximum climax to this moment? It is known that the introduction has a very important role to keep the audience with you until the end of the lecture. However, how to take them in a definitive way with you after the lecture, that is, when closing a lecture? One thing’s for sure, you can’t end your lecture anyway. When the public realizes that the presentation is nearing its end, there is a resumption of attention and we need to be prepared for this moment to be remarkable. Table of Contents Toggle Common mistakes when closing a lecture Recommendations Reading Suggestion: Common mistakes when closing a lecture Never finish a lecture by saying “that’s it”, because it conveys a message of total power outage and no connection, you communicate that now that the lecture is over, you have lifted a burden that you were carrying. Another very common line is the timeout fence, such as “my time is up”, “I’ve already burst the time” or “I’ll stay here” show how disorganized you were. It’s important that even if you’ve passed time, just as nervousness when you start, just feel it, don’t talk about. Also, at the end, bring the audience to the greater good of your content, do not focus on your defect of not having spent the proposed content at the right time. In addition, there are placements that do not convey a good message such as “finally, I want to thank my research group”, be strategic, thank them during your lecture, dedicating the end to the person who deserves attention at that moment, you. “I’ll end with a video”, do not announce the end with a call to the video since it can be introduced in a natural way, so finish with the concept you want to bring with the video, but point out your reflection and end with your comments, not with the video. Or even, “I’m sorry I couldn’t explore such points so well,” don’t regret it or apologize, focus on taking reflections on how far that content can be seen and how you whimsical to synthesize within the proposed theme. Recommendations Some of the strategies you can use when finishing your talk is to redo your trailer and deliver the game. That is, if you understood that during the content you have to build intermediate introductions and conclusions, here is a great time beyond the connections between the subtopics, you introduce a continuous trailer showing a summary of the entire story. The difference is that at the end of the lecture you need to deliver the game, either through the question that opened the lecture or by a question that you brought throughout the moment of the lecture, deliver everything here. It’s also the time for call to action. Many use the end of the talk for a sales pitch (at another time we’ll discuss whether this is the most appropriate time) but in fact it is a great strategy to use the end to draw your audience to action considering the proposed theme. For example, if you gave your listeners a great idea, why not end up instigating them to work on it? How about in the conclusion, show how far the content brought the reasoning and how would the reasoning be going on? Personal appointments, that’s because everyone loves a more personal side of the speaker’s story, and that’s great for connecting, how about using the intermediate conclusions to retain the attention of the audience. Watch out, you don’t need to end up emotionally thrilling others with personal facts. When we’re talking lectures to other professionals, the motivation has to be for the profession, not for the personal tone. In the area of health, for example, many of those who are there are for a practical concept that will change the course of scientific articles. Also use for a greater purpose, after all you have taken the oath to help others. Within your theme, is there anything that connects you and that you can commit to doing something more for people or your professional class? Reconstruct sentences. During the beginning of the lecture you bring a question with articles that show numbers and data. In this context, is it up to you to resume them with a happy ending to the story? With this, it is clear that there will be numerous formats to finish your lecture. However, by telling a story to each person and asking how it ends, the ending may have a context for each, but one thing is for sure, be brief. Do not make conclusions greater than any part of the topics covered during your talk. Reading Suggestion : The best ways to start a lecture Classifique esse post #empreendedorismo #palestreup #entrepreneurship #brunnofalcao #Speaker #lecture